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AFLUA appoint new CEO

AFLUA appoint new CEO

The AFLUA Executive is excited to announce that Dr. Rob Kerr has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the association.

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Chamberlain Foundation – Brothers Lunch 2020

Chamberlain Foundation – Brothers Lunch 2020

The Chamberlain Foundation was established in 2015 by Ray, Peter and Brian Chamberlain to support organisations providing services to people suffering with mental illness and at risk of suicide – with a particular focus on First Responders and Service Men & Women. 

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New AFLUA leadership group gets down to work

New AFLUA leadership group gets down to work

Brett Rosebury will lead the association again in 2020 following the AGM in February.  The 2019 executive committee determined that the executive needed more support given the influx of AFLW members and the increasing pressure on the administration.  The position of Vice President was re-introduced and the Association constitution amended to include the position.  Former goal umpire’s rep, Adam Wojcik was appointed to the position.  Adam’s portfolio will be to focus on the internal operations of the administration and AFLW members.  He will also be a significant support to Brett in his role as President.

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AFLUA Rewards Excellence

AFLUA Rewards Excellence

The 2019 Awards afternoon was held at Ikon Park for the second year in a row at the completion of the National Boundary and Goal umpires camp on Sunday 2 February.  106 members, life members and hall of fame umpires joined us for a celebration of the 2019 season.

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