Home 9 Milestones 9 Greta Miller – 50 Games

Greta Miller – 50 Games

Nov 17, 2023

The AFLUA would like to congratulate boundary umpire Greta Miller on completing her 50th AFLW game. Having done so, Greta has made history by becoming the first female, and just the third umpire overall, to reach this milestone in the AFLW. 

Miller reached this milestone on Saturday 11 November, when she took the field to umpire the Adelaide vs Brisbane qualifying final at Norwood Oval.

Greta’s achievement is emblematic of the growing role of female umpires in our game. The women’s league, now in its eighth season, has fostered opportunity for female umpires, with 31 of the current group of 116 listed umpires being women.

As the game continues to grow and develop, we hope to see more women inspired to take up umpiring and playing, sharing in the joys of our great game.

Once again, congratulations Greta.