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Hubbing it – for the Showdown game

Jun 11, 2020

Between putting my hand up to quarantine in Adelaide, the South Australian government approving us coming and packing my bags, I didn’t have the chance to think about the 2-week quarantine period until I arrived at the airport. When I boarded the half full plane, I thought to myself, “how am I going to fill the next 2 weeks?” Luckily, I was quarantining at my parents house and, when I arrived, my Mum had all the things I had left there from my childhood out to sort through and cull. We also decided to dig up the front garden in preparation for putting in lawn. Between these jobs with my parents and being allowed to leave the house to train, the time has gone by quickly! I had various friends and family come and say hello from the other side of the fence and completed some training sessions with a friend, which had been one of our government quarantine exemptions.

Winter here in Adelaide has begun with clear, sunny, almost warm days and has helped make this experience an enjoyable one. Having lived interstate from my family for the last 6 years, I have really appreciated spending this quality time with my mum and dad. I am looking forward to running out on to Adelaide Oval for the very first time as an AFL Field Umpire this weekend to officiate in the Showdown. A unique time that I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience.

Eleni Glouftsis