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Joint Media Statement from the AFL and AFL Umpires’ Association

Apr 7, 2020

The AFL and the AFL Umpires Association have reached an agreement on a deal for umpires to take a salary reduction of 50% until the end of May which will increase to 70% if the season is further postponed.

AFL Head of Umpiring Grant Williams said the AFL Umpires Association and the umpires are to be commended for their willingness to help the wider football community find a way through this challenging situation.
“The umpires have agreed to take a significant reduction to their salaries to limit the game’s financial losses and to ensure we can keep the industry going,” Mr. Williams said.
“I want to thank AFL Umpires Association CEO Rob Kerr and the umpires for their leadership and the action they have taken for the collective good of the football community.”
AFL Umpires Association Chief Executive Officer Dr. Rob Kerr expressed his appreciation to the AFL for its support of the umpires throughout the process.
“I want to thank the AFL for its support of the umpires during this difficult period and highlight the willingness of the AFLUA executive to accept and seek an outcome that serves the interests of both the game and its members,” Dr. Kerr said.
“I also want to thank the umpires who are so passionate about the game and remain willing to play a key role in ensuring we find a way through.
“The umpires have remained flexible in coming to an agreement with the AFL and we thank Grant Williams and his team at the AFL for their support during this time.”
Under the agreement, the AFLUA has agreed that:

  • AFL Umpires to take a reduction of 50% to their base salaries to the end of May and a reduction beyond that of up to 70% if games are postponed for longer.
  • Once games are resumed, umpires will receive 50% of their base and match payments.
  • Umpires have agreed to umpire until the end of December to provide flexible scheduling if required to complete the remaining 144 games plus finals of the Toyota AFL Premiership season

Updated:  4 April 2020