Jul 27, 2021 | Uncategorized
With a late change to the AFL Round 19 fixture, AFL Goal Umpire Matt Maclure celebrated his 50th AFL Game Milestone last weekend. Congratulations Matt on this achievement we are sure there are many more milestones to come in future.
Jul 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
Congratulations to AFL Field Umpire, Brett Rosebury on reaching the huge milestone of 450 AFL Matches. Brett has been an integral part to the Field Umpires discipline not only on the field over a 20 year period but also off the field, headlining his role as AFLUA...
Jul 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
Congratulations to the following AFL umpires on reaching these milestones: Alex Whetton (Field) – 50 Games Sean Moylan (Boundary) – 50 Games Tim Lougoon (Boundary)- 150 Games Sean Burton (Boundary) – 100 Games
Jul 15, 2021 | Member News
The AFLUA Hall of Fame was created to provide the means by which the Association could recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions that members have made to the Association and to umpiring Australian Rules football. The AFLUA Hall of Fame was officially...