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Umpires break new ground

Mar 23, 2018

If you’re looking for a new idea, especially in that “tech” field then you need to look no further than AFL field umpire, Chris Donlon.

Chris has joined forces with another extremely talented and highly decorated duo, goal umpire and first female AFL grand final umpire, Chelsea Roffey and All Australian and multiple grand final field umpire Matt Stevic to bring to life a podcast series about issues relating to officials in sport.

Chelsea clearly defines the aim of the podcasts is, “to get umpires, referees and people in sport to share and collaborate their insights into their sport.”  Donlon goes on to say, “they are a series of conversations to assist umpires and referees and teams across all sports.”

Their week one guest was newly appointed AFL Umpire Manager, Grant Williams.  Grant is probed about his background and his want to take on an often tough role and discusses what he wants to achieve both at the elite level and also for grass roots footy.

After listening to the first podcast I can highly recommend it to both the sports fan and any official interested in better understanding sport and the roles people play within sport.

Their week two special guest will be former AFL umpire, AFL umpire’s coach and current ICC umpires manager, David Levens who will chat about a very heated issue at the moment, sledging.

Follow the link to the Officials Podcast page on Facebook and be prepared be entertained, challenged and to even learn a thing or two.
