Home 9 Umpire Shorts 9 Umpire Shorts – March 22

Umpire Shorts – March 22

Mar 22, 2013

Michael_Vozzo_Heath_Ryan_and_Brendan_HoskingField umpire Matt Stevic officiated in his 200th AFL game on the weekend when Fremantle took on the West Coast Eagles at Patersons Stadium.  Matt, originally a country boy from Leongatha and a product of the West Gippsland Football League, is no stranger to high intensity matches, he officiated in the 2012 Grand Final.

Life member Michael Vozzo teamed with current umpires Heath Ryan, Brendan Hosking and AFLUA CEO Peter Howe at the Williamstown CYMS corporate golf day. Heath, who plays off nine, led the team to a six under total for the day. Hosking (9), Vozzo (13) and Howe (24) all thoroughly enjoyed the day. The play of the day belonged to Michael Vozzo when he sunk a curling twenty metre downhill putt for birdie on the twelfth hole.  Whooping noises could be heard all over the course as the rest of the team ran to celebrate.

A second team of AFLUA life members supported the day including Glenn James, John Sutcliffe and Andrew Coates.

Dean Margetts received a late call up to the 37th Western Derby between Fremantle v WCE when appointed umpire Matt Nicholls wasn’t prepared to risk further injury to a tightening calf muscle and pulled out. Justin Schmitt, who umpired two finals in 2012, is also struggling to overcome leg injuries and is seeking specialist advice.

It’s a toss of the coin…….Scott Jeffery was left between a rock and a hard place when it came to the coin toss on Friday night.  Anyone got a coin?  Quick thinking and innovative Scott gave his whistle to the person charged with the responsibility of tossing the coin, and Jobe Watson was asked to pick a hand..