Home 9 Milestones 9 Tim Morrison hits a ton

Tim Morrison hits a ton

Jul 8, 2015

Boundary umpire, Tim Morrison forms part of a Western Region Football League push to take over AFL umpiring.  Tim is but one of seven listed umpires making his mark on the AFL umpiring scene who commenced his career in that league.

“When I arrived on my first night of training at the Western Region in 2000, I met Drew Kowalski who was also there on his first night.  We have chased each other ever since.  But more than that, former AFL, VFL and VFA umpires took an interest in us and coached us very well.  Allan Cook, Jamie Guppy and John Henry were very tough task masters and we learned our craft,” said Tim today as he reflected on his milestone.

“My brother got me into umpiring; I enjoyed athletics as a junior and keeping fit so this was a way of earning some pocket money as well.  I was fifteen years old and here I am 16 years later, still plugging along.”

Tim never thought too much about aspiring to the AFL.  He had a typical teenagers approach to life and enjoyed his youth.  It was only when Drew Kowalski went to the VFL when he and Drew were 20 years of age that he gave it some serious consideration.  “There was Chris Esler, Shane Jones, Drew and myself.  We enjoyed each other’s company, so once Drew got elevated to the VFL, the rest of us took on the challenge of moving from the Western Region to the VFL, and then from the VFL to the AFL. It’s felt really good having those boys around to help make that push too. 

Tim believes that his best attribute, as a boundary umpire is his anticipation.  “I can read the play well and I think I can pick a free kick.  I have a good feel for the game and that gets me a game running the boundary each week.” 

Tim also knows that there is very little that separates any of the listed boundaries and that competition is tough, especially come finals.  “When you do one game you want 100, now I want a final, and I am working very hard to achieve that.”

Tim, if determination and perseverance means anything you are high on our list.  Congratulations.

