During 2016 the AFLUA lost a number of life members as well as former members.
Additionally we were informed of or discovered other members who had passed in recent years without recognition.
Where enough information is known obituaries have been added to the web site (click name) and are summarised below:
Life members
- Wal Andrew (field 1955-64)
- Jim Brewer (left)(field 1958-68)
- Alan Cole (field 1956-60, goal 1967-76)
- David Drane (honorary)
- Vin Hindson (field 1952-63)
- Ken Innes (boundary 1953-62)
- Michael ‘Leo’ Noone (field 1953-62)
- Ken Quinn (below) (field 1969-81)
- Greg Sidebottom (1977-87)
- Gordon Barron (field 1947-49)
- Ray Catherall (field, 1953-60)
- Bryan Grant (goal 1964-69)
- Roly Grant (field 1969-70)
- Val Hocking (field 1959-63)
- Fred Kent (field 1951-56)
- Wal Lane (field 1960-62)
- Kevin Lewer 1964-68)
- Peter Marsh (field 1973-74)
- Donald McKenzie Murray passed away 3 May 2016 (field 1966, 7 VCFL matches)
- Peter Nicholson (field, 1956, 1959-66)
- John Niere (field 1957)
- Ralph O’Toole (1958)