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Les Goding

Arthur Leslie “Les” Goding was promoted to the VFL senior list of umpires in 1959 and for the next seven seasons umpired all over country Victoria.

When he retired he had officiated in 124 matches in most of the regular competitions serviced by the VFL.

His showed his best form in 1962 and his final year, 1965, by umpiring two country finals each year.

In 1962 hewent to Kiewa in the Tallangatta and District Football League for the Second Semi-Final and then to Edenhope where Apsley and Lucindale Reserves clashed in the First Semi.

Les’ last two games as a VFL field umpire were both finals. Again he went out to the Kowree-Naracoorte Football League, this time for the senior First Semi-Final at Frances and the following week to Mornington for the Chelsea and Sorrento First-Semi.

Also heavily involved in athletics, he coached many athletes at Williamstown Athletic Club and was a well known in the Williamstown sporting community generally.

Les Goding passed away on 1 April 2007, aged 79.