Home 9 Obituaries 9 Jack Wheeler

Jack Wheeler

Jack Wheeler was one of a number of ‘non-members’ to be awarded Life Membership of the AFL Umpires Association.

Born John Ernest Wheeler on 23 June 1919 in Northcote Jack served in the Royal Australian Air Force from 1940-1946.

His connection with umpiring began as a VFA boundary umpire before he came to the VFL Reserve Grade as a goal umpire, a position he held for ten years.

After retiring from the field he took up training and obtained a position on the staff of the North Melbourne Football Club. This ten-year stint was followed by his return to umpiring. He bought his training skills to the VFL Umpires and for ten years plied them on VFLUA members at matches and at training. In addition he provided support that was acknowledged at the time or his retirement.

“Long time trainer Jack Wheeler retired at the end of 1989 and was deservedly was awarded Honorary Life membership of the AFLUA. Jack was a great friend of all and his presence at training and matches is certainly missed.”

For many years after his retirement Jack attended Annual Dinners and other social functions indicating his connection and commitment with umpiring.
Jack passed away on 8 April 2010 after a long illness, aged 90.