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Four AFL Boundary Umpires Make Their Debut

Round One was stacked with debuts, with four boundary umpires taking the stage for the first time at AFL level. Boundary Umpire Jaco Jansen Van...

The Milestone Duo – Meredith and Stevic reach 500

Holmes and Watson, Lennon and McCartney, Kirk and Spock, Lillee and Marsh. Great duos are littered throughout history, and often with profound...

Trailblazer Tee: Eleni to Return as AFL’s First Mother – Field Umpire

Eleni Tee will make history when setting foot on the Adelaide Oval in Round One, becoming the first Mother to field umpire an AFL match. In a...

Where Are They Now? – Roy Groom

Back in the 1970’s if you felt you were not being given a fair go on the VFL Senior list, the option for many umpires was to resign and head...

Remembering Jesse Baird One Year On

Today sadly marks one year since we lost AFL goal umpire and friend Jesse Baird. Those who knew Jesse were impacted by his incredible energy...