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New executive committee sworn in

Feb 24, 2015

Newly elected AFLUA President, Chris Kamolins took the reins from his predecessor, Stefan Grun last Tuesday night at the AGM.

Chris will lead a new executive team of Luke Walker, Shane Thiele and Leigh Fisher.  

Chris has been a member of the AFLUA for 10 years including the last two as an executive rep.  He brings a business background to the role, as a state manager working for a medical supplier of hospital equipment.  During his time on the list he has lived interstate and fully understands the challenges of umpiring in a state other than Victoria.

Shane Thiele has also lived and umpired in South Australia before moving the Melbourne to continue his career three years ago.  Leigh Fisher comes from the player to umpire pathway.  Luke Walker enters his third year as an executive member has a financial background.

Stefan Grun stepped down after four years as an executive member, the last two as president.  Stefan guided the association with great skill and passion.  He has established the direction and resurrected the association as the body charged with looking after the off field welfare of our umpires.  Ian Burrows stepped aside from his two year tenure to foster increased ownership of the association by its members.

We sincerely thank both Stefan and Ian for their work with the association. 

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