Home 9 Lifetime Achievement Awards

Lifetime Achievement Awards

Lifetime Achievement awards (formerly Special awards) are presented to life members for outstanding, long term contributions to the association. Listed below are the recipients of these prestigious awards and an outline of their service to the association. It is important to note that prior to 1982 the office of president generally represented four years on the Executive Committee in the roles of junior and senior vice-president, president and immediate-past president.
Roy Allen (1972)President 1943. Executive Committee 1944-46. Auditor 1954-1972
Ron Allinson (1967)Executive Committee 1960-63. President 1966. Executive Committee 1968-70. 11 consecutive years on the Executive.
Norman Attwood AO (1965)Assistant secretary 1960. President 1963.
Ron Bailey (2018)Significant service to welfare of former umpires through the X-Umpire program.
Jim Barwick (1957)Social Committee 1952-1959. Executive Committee 1962-64.
Harry Beitzel (1957)President 1956. Initial development of the VFL Umpires Provident Fund.
Ron Brophy (1965)Social Committee 1960-64. Executive Committee 1965.
Peter Bunworth (2001)Secretary 1981-82. President 1983. Secretary / Executive Director 1991-98
Frank Burke (1961)Assistant secretary 1957-58. Treasurer 1959.
Andrew Coates (2009)Executive Committee 1996. President 1999-2000. Finance Manager 2005-2010.
Ian Coates (1983)Executive Committee 1972-73.
Brian Crockett (1980)Social Committee 1972-73. Executive Committee 1975. President 1978. Social secretary 1979-80. AFLUA Centenary History Publication Sub-committee.
Jeff Crouch (1971)Executive Committee 1964. President 1967. Executive Committee 1969.
Bill Deller OAM (1980)President 1974. Executive Committee 1976-77. Chief Executive Officer 2004-11. AFLUA Centenary History Publication Sub-committee. AFLUA Hall of Fame Sub-committee. AFLUA Centenary Events Sub-committee
Bob Dunball (1977)Social Committee 1969-71. Executive Committee 1972. President 1975.
Len Eddy (1964)Social Committee 1957-59. President 1962.
Graham Fellows (1981)Editor MIW 1974-1980
David Flegg AM (2004)Historian-statistician 1994-2024. AFLUA Centenary History Publication Sub-committee. AFLUA Hall of Fame Sub-committee. AFLUA Centenary Events Sub-committee.
Colin FultonTreasurer 1960-63.
Eric Gabb (1991)Longtime VFL Umpires' trainer
Frank Gagliardi (1974)Executive Committee 1970-73. Assistant secretary 1974-75.
Doug Gilham (1971)Social Committee 1966-68. Executive Committee 1969. President 1972. Organiser life member reunions.
Bob Gilham (1973)Social Committee 1969-70. Social secretary 1971-72. Organiser life member reunions.
Bill Graham (1964)Executive Committee 1964-65.
Norman Grant BEM (1956)Executive Committee 1951-52 President 1955.
Jack Gray (1959)Executive Committee 1955. Assistant secretary 1956. Secretary 1957-59. Executive Committee 1960-63.
Jack Grove (1966)Executive Committee 1960-62. President 1965.
George HamidSocial Committee 1947. Assistant secretary 1949. Secretary 1949-56. 10 years on Executive Committee
Jack Hayes (1972)General services to the association
Don Heywood (1962)Executive Committee 1958-61.
Brian Hood (1989)Social Committee 1981. Treasurer 1982. Secretary 1983-88.
Wal Hopkins OAM (1958)Extensive work with Social Committee & MC of many dances
Peter Howe (2023)Social Secretary 1986-1987. Executive Committee 1989. Chief Executive Officer 2012-2019. Man-in-White Committee, Secretary VFLUA Cricket Club.
David Howlett (1992)Social Committee 1983-84. Executive Committee 1985-87. Vice-president 1988. President 1989. Secretary 1990. President 2002-10. 17 years on VFLUA/AFLUA committees.
Len Ireland (1958)Social Committee 1949-50. Executive Committee 1951. Social Committee 1954-57. Social secretary 1958-1961. 11 years on VFLUA committees. Adept at organising prizes.
Stan Jensen (1970)Social Committee 1966. General services to umpiring.
Ted Johnson (1995)Umpires? trainer 1987-2014.
Jack Jones (1957)Executive Committee 1951, 1954, 1956-57. Particularly active in delegations to VCFL for improved conditions.
Leigh Keen (1993)Treasurer 1983-86. Secretary 1989. Statistician 1987-1993. AFLUA Centenary History Publication Sub-committee.
Jim Kilkenny (1960)Executive Committee 1957-59. President 1961. Initial president VFLUA Cricket Club.
Lindsay LancasterTreasurer 1934-1937. Secretary 1938-1946. 11 consecutive years on Executive Committee.
Doug Langham (1976)Executive Committee 1973. Original editor MIW 1969-73.
Clive Macauley (1969)Assistant secretary 1959. Treasurer 1967-1968.
Harry MaleTreasurer 1949-58. Adept at organising prizes particularly from McRobertson?s confectioners.
Roy ManningSocial Committee 1946, 1951, 1954-58. Social secretary 1952-53.
George Mather (1986)VFL Goal Umpires? fitness coach ? Longtime umpires? trainer
Peter Matheson (1976)Social Committee 1968. Executive Committee 1969-70. President 1973. Executive Committee 1975.
Stephen McBurney (2010)Executive Committee 1999 . Regular legal consultation on various matters. Special assistance with the 2004-06, 2007-11 and 2012-16 CBAs.
Pat McGough (1967)Social Committee 1963. Social secretary 1964-66. President 1969. Executive Committee 1971.
Max McLeod (1971)Social Committee 1964-65. Executive Committee 1966-67. President 1970
Jack Miller (1979)Designer and manufacturer of goal umpires? flagsticks.
David Mitchell (1991)Treasurer 1972-1973. Social Committee 1976. Treasurer 1987-1992.
Kevin Mitchell (1980)Executive Committee 1971-74. SANFLUA / Trip organiser 1971-76. President 1977.
Percy Moore (1956)Social Committee 1953-58. Longtime meeting ?doorman? and insistent raffle ticket salesman.
John Moss (1981)Secretary 1974-1976. President 1979. AFLUA Centenary History Publication Sub-committee.
Allan Nash (1958)Social Committee 1951-53. Executive Committee 1954. President 1957.
Bob Nunn MBE (1964)Social Committee 1955-56. President 1960.
Terry O'Donnell (1982)Assistant secretary 1977. Social Committee 1982. Social secretary 1983-1985.
Danny Parsons (1969)Assistant secretary 1966-68.
Graeme Patterson OAM (1977)Social Committee 1970. Secretary 1971-1973. President 1976. AFLUA Centenary History Publication Sub-committee. AFLUA Hall of Fame Sub-committee. AFLUA Centenary Events Sub-committee.
Jim PerrySocial Committee 1946-47. Executive Committee 1947. President 1950. Executive Committee 1951. Assistant secretary 1952. Executive Committee 1956. Initial convener VFLUA Golf Club.
Laurie PopeAuditor 1991-2004.
Ted Pound (1960)Social Committee 1949-51. Executive Committee 1952. Social Committee 1953. Assistant secretary 1953-55. Executive Committee 1956-57.
Brian Pratt (1969)Social Committee 1963-66. Social secretary 1967-1968. Executive Committee 1970, 1977-78. AFLUA Hall of Fame Sub-committee.
Harold Pratt (1971)Social Committee 1967-69.
Norm Price (1960)Social secretary 1955-57. Executive Committee 1958-59.
Denis Rich AFSM (1995)Executive Committee 1983-84, 1991-92. Vice-President 1993. President 1994. Executive Committee 1995. President 1997-1998.
Dudley Ridley (1959)Executive Committee 1953-55. President 1958. Active training supervisor.
Ian Robinson (1988)Vice-president 1986. President 1987.
Tom Rossiter (1974)Executive Committee 1971-73.
John Russo (1996)Social Committee 1979. Executive Committee 1980-81. Vice-president 1992. President 1993.
Paul Serong (1983)Social Committee 1977. Treasurer 1978. President 1981.
Frank Spokes (1958)Executive Committee 1944, 1957-58. President 1948.
Alec Stewart (1966)Executive Committee 1959-61. President 1964.
Bill Sutton (2009)AFLUA Hall of Fame Sub-committee.
Bill Terrill (1962)Social Committee 1954. Executive Committee 1955-56. President 1959.
Owen Thomas (1956)Executive Committee 1950-51. President 1953.
Stan Tomlins (1971)Social Committee 1962-67. Executive Committee 1968. Social secretary 1969-1970.
Keith TraplinExecutive Committee 1965. President 1968
Mark Turner (1969)Secretary 1960-1970. Executive Committee 1971.
Ron Warwick (1967)Assistant secretary 1961-63. Executive Committee 1964-68. President 1971
Gordon Watt (1968)Social Committee 1960-62. Executive Committee 1965-66.
Stuart Wenn (2014)CBA Committee 2010-2014
Darryl Williams (1975)Social Committee 1970-72. Social secretary 1973-1976. Executive Committee 1977.
Graeme Williams (1996)Organising goal umpires' reunion for 10 years and supporting young umpires.
Ian Young (1964)Social Committee 1958-61. Executive Committee 1962-63.