Home 9 Member News 9 Golf Day – November 2023

Golf Day – November 2023

Nov 24, 2023

On Monday this week, a group of 15 ex umpires came together at Medway Golf Course in Maidstone for the second golf event this year.

The overcast weather cast no shadows on the day, with the fairways and greens of Medway being in excellent condition. Attendees gathered at 12pm for a 1pm ‘shotgun’ start, where all players tee off simultaneously from different holes.

Playing scramble in pairs, Chris Mitchell and Paul Saville, and Edward Kowalski and Terry O’Donnell tied for the win. In a tight contest, several other pairs finished only one or two strokes behind.

A thanks to ex-umpires coordinator Terry O’Donnell for organising the day and Medway golf club for hosting the event. Also, a special mention to John Morgan who made the long trip from Albury for the event.

The next ex-umpires luncheon will be held on Thursday 30th November at The Glasshouse in Caulfield Racecourse commencing at 12:00 pm. To celebrate the final luncheon for the year, the association will be paying for drinks. Additionally, the next golf day has been organised, to be held at Latrobe Golf Club on Monday 4th March 2024.

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Article by Jackson Kerr