Home 9 AFL Umpire 9 Curtis Deboy


Number 11

Curtis Deboy

AFLUA Heritage Number : 432
Shirt Number: 11
AFL Matches at the end of 2023: 155
150th AFL Match: Round 20, 2023, Collingwood v Carlton (MCG)
1st AFLW Match: 2015, Rd 4, Western Bulldogs v Adelaide
Commenced umpiring career with: CDJFL (South Australia), 2004

Honours in umpiring:
AFLUA Life Member – 2022
SANFL Golden Whistle – 2013
SANFL League Grand Finals – 2012 and 2013
SANFLUA Most Dedicated Field Umpire – 2013
AIS-AFL Academy tour of Europe Umpire – 2012
AFL High Performance Academy – 2009
NAB U18 Championships – 2009
NAB U16 Championships – 2008