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Umpire Shorts

Round 19 shorts: Has there been a colder or darker day for footy?

Round 19 shorts: Has there been a colder or darker day for footy?

There is no doubt that Ballarat would’ve made some type of football history on Sunday. Played in arctic temperatures with hail, wind and rain the weather bureau said the temperature felt like minus 5 degrees.  Add that to the sub-standard lighting and the game certainly took on a country game that needed car headlights around the perimeter of the oval turned on to allow players and coaches to see.

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Round 16 shorts: Our Fiona McBurney Match Day Program goes viral in SA

Round 16 shorts: Our Fiona McBurney Match Day Program goes viral in SA

State Umpire Manager in SA, Shane Harris has been a fantastic supporter of our FM MDE program since its inception.  This weekend he took it a step further with the help of Maureen Lawlor from Down Syndrome SA when 11 Down Syndrome participants played football on Adelaide Oval at half time in the Port Adelaide v St. Kilda match.  See the Adelaide Advertiser article about the match and look for a series of photos that we will publish on our website and Sportability Facebook page during the week.  Congratulations to all who helped make the day memorable for our participants.

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Round 11 shorts: How many free kicks is too many?

Round 11 shorts: How many free kicks is too many?

How long is a piece of string?  Eleven 50 metre penalties is a record in a game of AFL football said the statisticians who have been measuring everything in football forensically for the past few years.  Dane Rampe from the Sydney Swans probably summed it up best when he was caught on field umpire, Nick Foot’s microphone wanting to know if he’d also had a coffee with “Clarko”, after Nick awarded Dane’s opponent a free kick for being held in the game against Carlton.  Who said banter was dead?

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Round 4 shorts: Perseverance pays off for our 100 game milestone men

Round 4 shorts: Perseverance pays off for our 100 game milestone men

Two umpires from completely different pathways celebrated their 100 game milestones on the weekend.  It has taken goal umpire, Daniel Hoskin 9 years and 4 games to notch his 100.  Dan umpired his first game in 2009 from his base in SA.  He went to work and umpired in Qld for 12 months in 2015 before returning to SA where he is now stationed.  Dan worked as a teacher in the country region of SA in a town called Moonta, travelling over four hours return to training each night and games each weekend.  Field umpire, Leigh Fisher played 55 games for St. Kilda before turning to umpiring.  Leigh umpired his first AFL match in 2013.  Leigh has taken to umpiring like a “fish to water”, some would say.  He certainly thrives in the environment and has become one of the first umpires picked each week.  Leigh has umpired 36 AFL games straight and is third on the list of consecutive games as it currently stands.  (Meredith 62, Nicholls 60 are ahead of him) Leigh, like Dan has an obvious passion for football, and we congratulate both of them on their milestone.

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