Home 9 Awards 9 Bishop Shield

Bishop Shield

This is the AFLUA’s most prestigious award as it recognises both on-field performance and off-field commitment to the AFLUA. The specific criteria for this award is:

  • achieving on-field success
  • actively contributing to, and supporting, the AFLUA
  • role modelling the attributes of commitment, loyalty and dedication

Struck in 1975, this award is named in recognition of Barry Sheen who, throughout his short career, typified the criteria against which this award is judged.

Barry was appointed to the VFL list in 1967 and officiated at his first senior match on 3 July 1971 – Heritage Number 262. Nick-named “The Bishop”, he was typical of young people entering umpiring in the late 1960s having played at a reasonable standard and moving into umpiring as a way of retaining an involvement in the game. His personality, personal presentation, people skills and umpiring ability led to him quickly establishing himself as an umpire of great potential. His reputation across country football in Victoria soon bought him to the notice of the VFL Selectors.

Barry served on the Social Committee in 1969, and on various organising committees of interstate and overseas trips which were fashionable with the VFLUA in those days.

He understood that while on-field success was important, involvement in VFLUA affairs was another important avenue of satisfaction for umpires.

On 14 December 1973, Barry was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident.

In 1975, the Executive decided to strike an award in his memory. It was felt that in his short career he personified the spirit of umpiring and that this award should be judged against criteria that not only recognised success, but also recognised the willingness and selflessness to give of oneself and contribute to the greater good, and to set an example for others to emulate.

It is fitting then that an award with such criteria is named “The Bishop Shield” in memory of Barry Sheen.

1976W.R. Deller OAM
1977J.R. Moss
1978N.R. Nash
1979K.F. Smith
1980N.K. Elsum
1981T.J. ODonnell
1982S.R. Carbines
1983B.S. Hood
1984R.C. Sawers
1985P.R. Cameron
1986J.J. Russo
1987I.G.A Robinson
1988A.R. Grant (G)
1989D.G. Rich
1990C.B. Mitchell
1991D.G. Mitchell (G)
1992D.G. Rich
1993A.G. McKernan
1994D.A. Howlett
1995D.G. Rich
1996G.F. Dore
1997No Award
1998No Award
1999A.P. Coates
2000D.R. Goldspink
2001D.R. Goldspink
2002S.J. McBurney
2003S.J. McBurney
2004S.A. McLaren
2005S.J Ryan
2006J.P. Schmitt
2007S.J. McBurney
2008B.M. Rosebury
2009B.M. Rosebury
2010S.K Jeffery
2011S.A. McInerney
2012D.E. Margetts
2013C.C. Kamolins
2014J.P. Schmitt
S.R. Wenn
2015Matt Stevic
2016Scott Jeffery
2017Chris Donlon/Matt Stevic
2018S.J Ryan
2019S.J Ryan
2020B.M. Rosebury
2021B.M. Rosebury
2022B.M. Rosebury
2023R.M. Findlay
2024M. Stevic