Home 9 News 9 Another grand final for David Flegg – of a different sort

Another grand final for David Flegg – of a different sort

Sep 26, 2018

While all of the focus on grand final day is on the on-field officials let’s not forget that the AFL officiating “Team” also comprises its off-field team. Congratulations must go to David Flegg who will officiate in his 4th Grand final, but his first as a timekeeper. 

When David officially hung up the flags at the end of 2011 he took up timekeeping. David has overseen 140 games as an official timekeeper and is now taking charge of the clocks for his first GF. David is working the grand final with another ex AFL field umpire, Michael Sexton.  Michael umpired 6 AFL matches in 1997.  He has been an official timekeeper in 159 AFL games.  Our third ex AFL umpire working on grand final day in Vince Sercia.  Vince is an interchange steward overseeing the interchange area for 136 games. Vince was a field umpire between 1996 and 2000 umpiring 58 AFL games.

David becomes the third off field official after, Martin Ellis and Rod Tanner to umpire a grand final and then work as a timekeeper in another.

While we are discussing off field officials congratulations to our three grand final umpire’s trainers.  Will Ogle, Elizabeth Thomas and South Australian veteran, Miles Wilson on their appointments to ensure all umpires hit the field ready to go on Saturday.