Home 9 Member News 9 AFLUA X-Umpires’ Luncheon – October 2023

AFLUA X-Umpires’ Luncheon – October 2023

Oct 17, 2023

Our X-Umpires’ Luncheons continue to provide a great opportunity for retired umpires to catch up regularly and share great yarns about their time in the game and beyond.

On this occasion, our X-Umpires’ Coordinator Terry O’Donnell interviewed Neil ‘Sneaky’ Elsum. Neil shared a number of anecdotes about his time in umpiring. The stories he shared of the mischief and misadventures had during his career (such as how he got the moniker ‘Sneaky’) had the room erupting in laughter.

We also had AFLUA CEO Rob Kerr give his thanks to our Digital Content Manager, Tathagata Mukhopadyay, who after 18 months will be departing the organisation. Tathagata’s professionalism has continued to improve the quality of the AFLUA’s online media across all of our platforms. ‘TG,’ as he is known, has shown special dedication to the Ex-Umpires Luncheons, attending almost every one since he started at the association. He received a rousing, and much deserved round-of-applause from our ex-umps and staff.

Thank you to everyone who attended the luncheon.

Check out a selection of photos from the afternoon below.

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Our attendees were:

Newell Locke, Terry O’Donnell, Shane Nolan, Ian Brown, Peter Cohen, John Moss, Phil Watson, Kevin Andrews, Leigh Keen, Leigh Patterson, Jim Rolfe, Ian Clayton, Kevin Smith, Eric Armstrong, Brain Woodhead, Des Ryan, Bob Gilham, Doug Gilham, Dave Mitchell, Denis Smith, Neil Elsum, Jim Chapman, Bill Torney, Graham Baker, Frank Green, Bill Sutton, Peter Kelly, Tathagata Mukhopadyay, Graeme Fellowes, Dick Auhl, Michael Sneddon, George Lawlor, John Grant, Merv Hindson, Paul Serong, John Morgan, Randall Gisbson, John Hutson, Neville Nash, Brian Bullus

For more information on future luncheon dates, or to book a seat, please contact Terry O’Donnell at info@aflua.com.au.

Article By Jackson Kerr