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AFLUA appoint new CEO

Mar 13, 2020

The AFLUA Executive is excited to announce that Dr. Rob Kerr has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the association.

AFLUA President Brett Rosebury said Rob was chosen after an extensive and extremely competitive selection process.  “The Executive was heartened by the fantastic response to the advertisement and the high caliber of applicants, with Rob being the standout candidate. Rob is a proven leader with consulting experience in sports and management with the energy and passion to lead the association in the future.”

Rob is currently General Manager, APAC (Interim) at Edge10 responsible for rebuilding the consultancy capability of Edge10’s Sport IT business.  He is also Co-Founder and a Coaching Consultant with BKD Executive Leaders.

Prior to these roles, Rob was General Manager, Football at the Essendon Football Club from 2014-17 playing a key role in the Club’s effort to rebuild respect within the industry after the supplements saga.  He was also National Talent Manager with the Brisbane Lions from 2010 to 2014.

Rob held a number of management consulting roles with Harbour Future Leaders and Personnel Decisions International from 2005-2010.

From 1999 to 2000 Rob was Executive Director of Player Development with the AFL Players Association where he established a world class athlete support program, a first in Australia.  In 2000, he was promoted to CEO where he negotiated two Player wage agreements and the 2003-2008 AFL Players Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Rob has a PhD from the University of Sydney with Psychology and human performance his focus.  As a performance psychologist, he has worked with many elite Australian teams, athletes and coaches. Rob also possesses a Graduate Diploma in Labour Relations Law from the University of Melbourne.

Commenting on the appointment, Rob said “I am honoured to have the opportunity to continue the work of the past administrations in the on-going development of the Umpires’ Association, both in terms of what it delivers for members and how it promotes Umpiring within the AFL Industry. I want to ensure that Umpires have a strong voice in the game and the contribution they make is promoted and recognised. I look forward to working with Brett and his executive team and meeting the broader membership.”  

The Executive believes Rob’s appointment represents the perfect fit for the AFLUA and its strategic path and looks forward to his commencement on 15 April.  Rob will continue to consult to the Edge10 Group as part of his handover of key projects and his transition into his new role with the AFLUA.

Rob replaces Peter Howe who has been CEO for 8 years and is retiring after 45 years in the football industry.  The Executive joins members in thanking Peter for his terrific service to football covering many decades and wish him a happy and healthy retirement.