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AFL boundary umpire heads north

Oct 27, 2014

When AFL boundary umpire Patrick Tongue decided he needed a change of scenery for the next 15 months he didn’t mean heading north to Queensland.  He was referring to a 14,685 kilometre journey to Switzerland.

Pat’s wife, Claudine, a Swiss native has secured a job in HR recruitment and so they decided to take the plunge.  “It is a great opportunity for us.  We are both still young.  Claudine can be back around her family and I am looking to get a job teaching in an international school,” said Pat when we caught up with him just before he left the country.  Speaking with him since he has some good news, “I ended up securing the position I was after at the International School Basel. I will be teaching English Language and Literature and ESL to middle school students in the IB Programme. I will also be picking up a PE Class in January.” 

Pat is also looking to improve his running through the Swiss Alps no doubt.  “There are some great running events held in Switzerland that I will participate in including 100 mile events and ultra marathons.  I am looking forward to the challenge.”

Pat and Claudine are currently staying with family as they search the Canton of Aargu for an apartment and a good car that will get them around.

Temperature wise there’s not much difference at the moment nights are cold but the daily temperature is around 20-23 degrees.  Pat has sent a message through saying, “The weather has turned.  It reached a top of 7 degrees Wednesday.  I think the 20 degree days are now behind us.”  They can look forward to a temperature range of minus 10 to 5 degrees.  

Good luck with that one Pat.  The boys don’t like training on cold Melbourne nights when it’s 9 degrees!
