Home 9 News 9 Frank finally says his farewell

Frank finally says his farewell

May 27, 2014

Walking into the trainers room last night I thought I had walked into a “back to the future” moment.  There was Frank Knight holding the tub of lollies rationing them out to the guys as they came off the track.  Frank had returned to the fold to say hello to the group and renew old acquaintances.  It was the first time he had been able to return since his retirement in November last year.

Brett Rosebury was one of the first to greet him with a broad smile and a caring hug while asking him how Shirley (Frank’s wife) was.  The stream of well wishers was endless all night as Frank worked the room.  He was derided for all of his idiosyncrasies, but it was jovial and in good humour by those who respected what Frank had done for them for 18 years.  The evening ended with Tom McCoy from the umpiring department heading up a dinner for the trainers in honour of Frank’s outstanding service.


Pictured from back left: Tom McCoy, Doug Bartlett, Ted Johnson, Tim Morrison

From the front left, Sophie Timms, Phil Watson, Frank Knight, Mark Fraser and Hayley Robinson.