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Doig and Zanich receive achievement awards

Mar 3, 2014

Nathan Doig was extremely proud to receive his 2013 awards as the best boundary umpire in the AFL and his action photo from the grand final.  When asked to reflect on those achievements he said with great respect and humility, “They are nice to receive but that time has gone, I am now only focusing on 2014 and what I can control.”

photo1Nathan, has umpired a grand final in each of his last two seasons, 2011 and 2013.  Nathan took a leave of absence in 2012 to follow his profession as a massage therapist as it took him around the world.  For those who know him, he is a natural leader, a quiet achiever who leads by example and jut gets the job done.  He is meticulous preparation and rehabilitation routines ensures he is ready to go when the siren sounds.  A great team man he now leads the WA boundary umpires.

Alan Zanich, has stood the test of time.  He completed 10 years as a boundary umpire doing 163 games and 3 finals.  Alan,  never left a thought unanswered, he never left a direction unchallenged, but that was the man.  In accepting his awards Alan focused on his mates, the guys he sweated with both on and off the field.  “Ask me for a memorable game or moment in my time and I’d struggle to give you one, ask me about the time training and socialising with the other boundary boys and I could give you a hundred memories.” photo

Alan did acknowledge that perhaps he didn’t always put the best tone on his questions and that his wife does call him arrogant, but Alan doesn’t repent from challenging authority to make umpiring better.  “Yes I could’ve done it better in hindsight, but hey that’s me.”

Alan is enjoying his retirement and is captain coach of his local cricket club.  “Now others can complain about me, because I run the show, laughed a larger than life Alan.  So, do you miss preseason?  A belly laugh, c’mon look at me is this someone who misses the hard work……but I do miss the guys.”

Alan congratulations and we look forward to crossing swords with you at sometime down the track.