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Patrick Cran Retires

Aug 27, 2024

Boundary Umpire Patrick Cran recently announced his retirement and over the weekend umpired his final AFL game.

Cran began his AFL career at the SCG in Round 1 of 2016. When interviewed about his debut, he noted that his biggest motivator was his love for the game, saying “I don’t see this as a job, if you call it a job, l have the best job in the world.” 

“What gets noticed is how you carry yourself when times are tough. When they do get tough, keep your chin up and never lose sight of your goal.”

Cran reached the 150-game milestone earlier this year, a fantastic achievement which caps off a 9-year career on the AFL list.

Fellow boundary umpire Dan Field-Read had some kind words to say about “Cranny”, calling him “a beloved member of the umpiring family.”

“His kindness, dedication and brilliant sense of humour shaped the culture of the whole group. Pat’s 4:00km warm up jogs however will not be missed by the NSW crew…

Cranny is someone who was always approachable, down-to-earth and went about it the right way. It’s going to be a great night at the SCG saying farewell to a terrific career.”

On Saturday Patrick finished his career where he started it, at the SCG for Sydney vs Adelaide.

He notes ANZAC Day 2021, China in 2019 and Richmond v Carlton Round 1 of 2018 as three of his biggest highlights, but for Pat nothing tops the people he’s met along the way.                 

“The biggest highlight is the relationships I’ve made throughout umpiring and the lifelong friendships. I sort of met my wife through footy as well so I have a lot to thank footy for the opportunities it’s given me!”

Post-umpiring he’s looking forward to some time off for travel and heading along to the footy with mates from the other side of the fence.

Congratulations on a great career Cranny!