Home 9 Blog 9 AFLUA Umpiring Hall of Fame – Thirteenth Ballot

AFLUA Umpiring Hall of Fame – Thirteenth Ballot

Jul 4, 2024

On Monday the 6th of May the AFLUA hosted the Hall of Fame Induction Dinner for the thirteenth ballot. The induction of thirteen new members to the Hall of Fame was celebrated, as well as the elevation of David Flegg AM to Legend Status.

Induction into the Hall of Fame is an honour bestowed upon those who have made a lasting and significant contribution to the AFLUA, and to umpiring the game of Australian Football.

Master of Ceremonies, Brad McEwan, sat inductees down for interviews and, apart from when Troy Pannell went slightly rogue, guided them to share some of the highs, lows and funniest moments from their careers.

Aaron Deckys (an apology) was beamed in from Queensland and spoke of his early years when games were hard to come by with only one team based in Brisbane.

Rod Davies reminisced about the time he reported Brian Taylor for striking his opponent pre-game at Victoria Park. An infrequent act for a goal umpire, Rod inadvertently sent the Collingwood cheer squad into a frenzy.

“I had to get a police escort to my car.”

Having mentored countless umpires through their development, inductee Neville Nash spoke of the satisfaction he’s had in being involved with umpiring for close to 60 years.

“Umpiring provides some fantastic life skills for young people… confidence, being positive, how to manage people, how to manage conflict.”

“We’ve got some great opportunities to get some young people involved in this great career.”

The dedication of umpires to the game is extraordinary. At 74 years old, Neville sheepishly admitted his soreness having umpired a game of junior football on the weekend, his confession capturing the essence of every great umpire. The driving force, the motivation behind the countless hours of training, the willingness to take criticism, to perform an often-thankless task, the commitment to fairness and impartiality, and a deep-seated and undying love for Australian Football.

The night concluded with David Flegg AM’s elevation to Legend Status. Despite his on-field success as a goal umpire, it is off the field where David has made such a profound impact for the AFLUA and umpiring overall.

As a research librarian by trade, since 1994 David has been the association’s historian and statistician, providing an invaluable record of umpiring history.

“We all have a passion for football, and I certainly have a passion for the history of it.”

Congratulations to the new members of the AFLUA Umpiring Hall of Fame. Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to such a special night for umpiring.


The inductees of the thirteenth ballot were:

Rod Davies – Combination of significant service to the Association and significant support for umpiring

Aaron Deckys – Combination of significant service to the Association and significant on-field achievement in umpiring

Scott Jeffrey – Outstanding service to the Association

Chris Kamolins – Outstanding service to the Association

Shane McInerney – Outstanding on-field achievement in umpiring

John Morgan – Combination of significant service to the Association and significant support for umpiring

Neville Nash – Combination of significant service to the Association and significant support for umpiring

Troy Pannell – Combination of significant service to the Association and significant on-field achievement in umpiring

Shaun Ryan – Outstanding on-field achievement in umpiring

Justin Schmitt – Outstanding on-field achievement in umpiring

Michael Vozzo – Outstanding on-field achievement in umpiring

Ross Capes – Combinations of significant service to the Western Australian National Football League Umpires’ Association and significant on-field achievement in umpiring in Western Australia

Tom McArthur – Combination of significant service to the Queensland Australian Football League Umpires’ Association and significant on-field achievement in umpiring in Queensland

Elevation to Legend Status

David Flegg AM – Exemplary service to the Association over an extended period