Home 9 Member News 9 AFLUA TRIP TO PERTH


Feb 21, 2023

The AFLUA visited Perth last week in what is the first of four trips to be made in February / March this year.

AFLUA CEO Rob Kerr, and Manager, Operations & Member Engagement, Peter Kelly, met with life member and former VFL field umpire Grant Vernon. Grant, who was an AFLUA Hall of Fame Inductee last year, is a member of the current AFLUA Hall of Fame Sub-committee.

At training, Rob and Peter caught up with our AFL umpires, several umpiring support staff, and Dean Margetts, WAFL & WAFLW Umpiring Operations Manager. Dean welcomed Rob and Peter to training and introduced them to the broader WAFL umpiring group.

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After a short meeting, Dean advised the group that field umpires Daniel Johanson and Cameron Jones would be shortly moving to Melbourne and would like to say a few words before they went. Daniel and Cam spoke to the group and thanked everyone for their support and friendship over so many years and wished everyone all the best for the year ahead.

After training, pizzas were delivered to the Brett Rosebury Room for AFL and AFLW members. Rob gave a short update on the CBA and other operational matters, and congratulated umpires on their achievements and personal milestones in 2022.

Rob and Peter are visiting Brisbane this week, Sydney next week and Adelaide sometime in March.