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Work experience at the AFLUA

Jun 21, 2019

I completed my work experience with the AFLUA from Friday 3rd May to Friday 21st June. During this time I worked on different tasks around the office including various administration work.

Initially when I arrived I was greeted by Peter Kelly (Marketing and Communications Coordinator) and Julia Gauci (Administration Assistant) and later on I was introduced to  Peter Howe who is the CEO of the AFL Umpires Association. I quickly learned about how they look after the welfare of current AFL umpires and life members.

My first task was to go to the bank with Julia, she showed me the process of how to deposit a cheque. Other tasks included uploading match appointments onto the AFLUA website and updating the official AFLUA Instagram page with milestones.

I also learned about the member benefits program and the different types of discounts members are entitled to. I helped place orders for Asics, Musashi and 2XU. When the orders came in, I helped package the products for interstate umpires.

I also had the chance to visit the AFLUA storage unit where I was able to help Peter Howe clean up and look at the different types of memorabilia they have. I also worked on the quarterly newsletter where I stapled and packed close to 30 newsletters that were mailed out to life members who are not on email.   

One task I found challenging but rewarding was to make videos through iMovie for the Fiona McBurney match day experience. This included adding photos, videos and music to the video which appeared on the AFLUA website.

I enjoyed my time working at the AFLUA.

Article written by: Luke Egan from Aquinas College