Home 9 News 9 Sean Moylan – newly listed WA Boundary Umpire

Sean Moylan – newly listed WA Boundary Umpire

Feb 19, 2018

Many umpires have started their careers on the promise of earning some pretty handy cash during their early schooling days and Sean Moylan was no different when he commenced umpiring as a field umpire with the East Fremantle District Junior Umpires in 2010.  He umpired two years as a field umpire before transitioning to a boundary umpire at the WAFL where he’s been for the last six seasons.  Sean has umpired in three WAFL grand finals (2015, 2016 and 2017), two state games (2016 and 2017) and was the recipient of the John Devine Medallion in both 2016 and 2017.

His career highlight to date was umpiring the state game between Victoria and Western Australia when the Sandgropers ended a 113-year drought against Victoria.  He recalls “Just the sense of state pride within WA was pretty high after that, and to part of that game was special.”

Sean’s advice to up and coming umpires is simple – ‘enjoy it’ as you’ll never succeed if you don’t enjoy what you do, plus it makes it easier to coach. He attributes his success to being motivated by seeing his close mates achieve their own goals, which in turn motivates him.

Both Sean’s parents have been influential in his career to date, as he believes you can’t achieve anything in any field without a good support base.  “I wouldn’t have gotten to any of my games without them when l was younger and they also provide frank advice on my performance as well.  I owe them a lot.”

Sean is a Graduate Environmental Consultant and enjoys bushwalking and snorkelling to relax in his off-time.  He also bakes a mean chocolate cake and eats a sandwich before every game. He loves Perth for its laidback vibe, great weather and beaches.

Sean, we wish you continued success in the year ahead.

Article written by: AFLUA Marketing and Communication Coordinator, Peter Kelly