Home 9 News 9 Steve Axon – Life Member

Steve Axon – Life Member

Mar 18, 2015

It’s hard to believe that baby faced goal umpire, Steve Axon has been around for 10 years.  He umpired four SANFL grand finals (2001-2004) before he could emerge and make the AFL panel and it was touch and go as to whether he would give footy another year  when he did break through the glass ceiling in 2005.

Peter Howe in making the presentation said, “I have watched Steve grow as a young goal umpire and hone his craft.  I have seen first hand his passion and dedication.  Off the field he is prepared to put the interests of the group ahead of himself.”  Steve has been the umpire association’s SA rep for many years and has been part of the umpiring department’s leadership group also.

Steve achieved success on the field very quickly and has umpired 148 games including 12 finals and two grand finals.  He sits equal 13th on the all time list of finals umpired as a goal umpire and he still has many years to go.  The Matt’s, Wilson and Norton each remembered a story from Steve’s past, that could be told to the group and the underlying message from both was about his passion, dedication to be the best he can be and the time and care he takes to assist others to be the best they can be also. 

Steve is a proud recipient of his life membership and thanked those who had supported his career.  He made particular mention of his wife and family who had supported him from the age of 13 when he just knew goal umpiring was for him.  He also only knows too well that you must have a good work life balance to be successful and he certainly has that when he goes home to his girls. 

You can just tell that he has “unfinished business.”

steve axon

Pictured: (left to right) Mat Wilson, Steve Axon and Matt Norton.