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My experience so far..

Feb 9, 2015

My experience so far down at AFL has been truly amazing. Training has been a massive step up from previous years, but a challenge I’ve enjoyed working through.

Everyone is so welcoming, encouraging and supportive and all the umpires seem to really bond and enjoy each others company which creates a really enjoyable atmosphere to be around.

Many umpires have shared with me several stories and provided valuable information and feedback which has benefited me a lot. No matter how many times I read the rule book or watch the footy, being able to talk to an AFL umpire provides so much more insight to ways of becoming a better umpire.

I am also very lucky to have Steve McBurney as one of my coaches. Being one of the best AFL umpires, he has so much knowledge and experience of the game and his feedback, advice and support has benefitted me immensely.

This scholarship is definitely an incredible opportunity and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead in the 2015 season.  

Article written by, AFL Female Pathway umpire – Lucinda Lopes


Lucinda Lopes