Home 9 News 9 Chelsea Roffey Churchill Fellow and story teller

Chelsea Roffey Churchill Fellow and story teller

Oct 23, 2014

As a footy fan you only know her as “that female goal umpire, whatshername? Chelsea, that’s right.  Yeah damn good goal umpire.” 

So it may come as somewhat of a surprise when you hear about her latest adventure.  Chelsea, a journalist by occupation has been inspired by storytelling for many many years and has now embarked on a world wide adventure.

Chelsea won a Churchill Fellowship during the year.  The Trust was formed with the principal objective of perpetuating and honouring Sir Winston Churchill’s memory by the awarding of Memorial Fellowships to be known as ‘Churchill Fellowships’.

The aim of the Trust is to provide an opportunity for Australians to travel overseas to conduct research in their chosen field that is not readily available in Australia. It also aims to reward proven achievement of talented and deserving Australians with further opportunity in their pursuit of excellence for the enrichment of Australian society.

Chelsea’s “mission” is to explore strategies for influencing social change that encourages and empowers girls to be authors of their own lives.  Her travel has started and she is currently spending this week at Stanford university as part of a storytelling project.  She will then head to Canada for two weeks studying narrative intelligence, social innovation and mentor strategies from a variety of people including the Canadian Women’s Foundation programs. Followed by time in Washington, New York, Stockholm, London and India, each with various programs targeting better communities through equality.

As Chelsea embarked on her journey she said, “The opportunity to travel is inspiring in itself, but these opportunities are priceless.”

Chelsea we will follow your travels with great anticipation and look forward to your stories of empowerment and the many ideas you will bring back to Australia.

We will also be keen to know how you trained in London in winter and through the streets of India.
