Harry Beitzel passes away

Harry Beitzel passes away

Harry Beitzel passed away on August 13th in Gosford hospital following a brief illness, aged 90.  While Harry was renowned for his 16 years of media work on numerous Melbourne radio stations and for his now innovative “Galahs” trip where he took the best Australian...
Why the NFL is finally hiring full-time officials

Why the NFL is finally hiring full-time officials

The NFL took an important step Wednesday in what has been a five-year process to convert its officials into full-time league employees. After months of negotiations prompted by the NFL competition committee, the NFL Referees Association (NFLRA) agreed to the structure...
The Buzz man reaches 250

The Buzz man reaches 250

Ian ‘Buzza’ Burrows started his boundary umpiring journey with the Yarra Valley Mountain District Football League back in the year 2000. Seventeen years later he will umpire in his 250th AFL match on Saturday afternoon at Simmonds Stadium. Alongside the significant...
Ronald Keith Bailey, J.P.

Ronald Keith Bailey, J.P.

It is with pleasure that I bring to you Ronald Keith Bailey J.P., one of the hardest workers for our association that you would ever meet. Nothing is too much for Ron as he prepares and organizes the X-men umpire functions, held at Mornington for the blokes and...