The AFLUA awards evening saw eighty members and guests pack into the Pumphouse function room on Sunday evening to celebrate the achievements of our major award winners and say good bye to those members whose careers drew to a close. Goal umpire, Chris Appleton made it...
“The only difference in my umpiring now compared to 20 years ago is that I can now run backwards as fast as I run forward,” exclaimed Terry as he walked onto a ground early one Saturday morning to umpire a Western Region Football League under 18 match with a young up...
My first night at training following my appointment as the State Manager of Umpiring in Queensland was quite a shock. During the warm ups guys were doing leapfrog down the centre of the oval, many in bare feet. Never in my time in footy had I ever seen anything like...
“I only wanted to umpire for one year to see if I liked it,” exclaimed Vic Parker who was celebrated by the Eastern Football League Umpires Association this year, marking his 60th year in footy. One consistent trait that ran through his umpiring career...